11mm Kernmantle Rope

Product ID:

Product Name:
11mm Kernmantle Rope

Used in conjunction with RGA rope grab devices,
the RGRO11 provides vertical, or near vertical,
fall protection. It is fitted with a single spliced eye
with heat shrink cover.

This static rope is highly abrasion resistant, very
low stretch, maximum strength, extremely durable
and has a long service life. This rope is suitable
for all kinds of rope access and work positioning.
It can also be used for rescue work, guide work,
expeditions and caving

Accredited to: EN 1891A:1998 

Material: Polyamide outer sheath and twisted inner core 

Stocked lengths: 10m 20m 30m

Weight: 75g/m

MBS: 32kN

Max. force: <6kN (when used with RGA device to EN353-2)

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